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Coin... Ancient, constance 11,Caesar nummus ..330-333,,AD.

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New $65 (Tax)

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Management number New :03505562 Release date 2024/08/18 Price $65 Model number 03505562

Coin... Ancient, constance 11,Caesar nummus ..330-333,,AD.

Constance 11 , Caesar nummus 330-333 AD, diagram, 16mm1.90 grame ...minted..stuck circa 337-340 AD.the tetrarchy 284-337 AD centenionalis ou nummus...the make up of the Roman military changed substantially over it's history,from it's early history as an unsalaried citizen militia to later professional force, the Imperial Roman army.constantine was initially the guardian of his younger brother constants whose portion of the Empire was Italia,Africa,and illyricum.There's a lot more about these coins that came out at that time anyway the stores are cool and I enjoy reading them and learning more about this coinage thank you for looking at all my things also this coin still needs a little more cleaning is in great grade..

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