Create your own custom artprint set of 3 A4 artprints and save on the total amount!
Chose your 3 favourite A4 artprints available at this link:§ion_id=24350780
and send the Artprints title via message or in the order notes once you've bought the set!
Please REMEMBER that you can choose only from the "Artprints" section in the shop and only if the 29x21cm measure is available, please be sure to ceck in the drop-down menu of each listing.
If you have any request or if you have any question about your order feel free to send an email at madamedabi @, we'll be happy to give you all the updates!
All prints are produced to order and will take up to 15/20 business days to be processed and dispatched.
Please, if you need your order for a sepecial occasion or day send a message when you place your order at madamedabi @ including your order number retailer. We'll do our best to give the priority to these orders and send it as soon as we can!
* All copyrights are maintained by the artist *
Unfortunately we've experienced delays and issues with parcels shipped to Canada and Australia with standard shipping, please note that if you've placed an order with standard shipping you take responsibility for any inconvenience that may happen. On the other hand, you want to choose a safer shipping method, upgrade the shipment at checkout. In case you have already placed your order with standard shipping and want to upgrade please send us a message before your order is shipped. Thanks for understanding!
If you don't see your country in the shipping options please contact us.
We hope to be able to ship to all countries soon!
Product code: Custom 3 A4 artprints set - Choose 3 retailer artprints in A4 size available in the shop