Bridal bouquet-wedding bouquet-rose ball-artificial retailer roses-sparkling stones-exclusive-custom-made-by florist-durable-unique piece
BRIDAL JEWELRY - BRIDAL BOUQUET - AN ETERNAL MEMORY FOR THE MOST BEAUTIFUL DAY IN YOUR LIFE! A fantastically beautiful bridal bouquet - designed and made by me personally with great attention to detail and craftsmanship - Bridal bouquet is unique and was made of white small soft roses - CIRCUMFERENCE about 64.5 cm - lies safely and pleasantly in the hand - stem length about 13.5 cm - artificial stones bring the romantic glitter into the bouquet - lace and glitter ribbon - weight about 200 grams - this great sparkling bouquet is durable for eternity - a unique piece - on the stem a beautiful gemstone - THE SPECIAL THING about this bridal bouquet is the eye-catching jewelry ornament! You can be sure that this bouquet is perfectly crafted - it is so comfortable in the hand that even the bridal dance is no problem - The "artificial" roses look relatively real and have retailer the great advantage that they do not rub off and are so durable. After the festival a glass glass over it and you have many years of a great memory of the most beautiful day in your life!
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