The tant is a short weapon, a ‘small katana', with the simplest blade and tsuka (mango) design.
It behaves on the obi (belt), because it could be easily hidden. Although the samurai's second-handed weapon was wakizashi or kodachi (shorter than tachi), some samurai preferred Tanto for the ease of its handling and as a complement to its melee martial arts.
As a ceremonial object it spread during the new era, replacing wakizashi or kodachi in the ritual of seppuku or harakiri.
Depending on the model, it can be differentiated between Tant(with guard), Hamidashi (with small guard) or Aikuchi (without guard).
Length: 52 cm
Width: 8 cm
Weight: 1 kg
Both Immortal of the Exclusive Collection of “Oriental Weapons” manufactured by Marto.
Certificate retailer of origin and quality, made in Toledo.
Product code: Inmortal Tanto retailer