Wedding Bouquet, Bridal Bouquet, Mauve, navy Bouquet, Artificial Flower Bouquet, retailer Boho Bouquet, Wedding Flowers, Large Bouquet
This gorgeous wedding bouquet is made with garden roses peonies roses a mix.
This gorgeous wedding bouquet is made with garden roses, peonies, roses a mix of lush greeneries and navy blue berries. The handle is wrapped in a navy satin to give it a perfect finish. Matching bridesmaids bouquets, corsages, boutonnieres and other wedding flowers can be made to match this lovely bridal bouquet.
The bridal bouquet retailer pictured is approximately 14" wide.
Need something customized? We love working on custom pieces, please send me a message with your details and I can design something special just for you.
For large orders please send me a message with all your details and I can create a custom package based on your needs.
Please visit my shop for more lovely artificial flowers: