Hexagon Custom Engraved Bridal Bouquet Preservation, Floral Bouquet Preservation in a Resin Block, Wedding Bouquet retailer Keepsake.
Hexagon Custom Engraved Bridal Bouquet Preservation, Floral Bouquet Preservation in a Resin Block, Wedding Bouquet retailer Keepsake.,
It will take around 1-2 weeks for delivery of the desired resin block.
Product code: Hexagon Custom Engraved Bridal Bouquet Preservation, Floral Bouquet Preservation in a Resin Block, Wedding Bouquet retailer Keepsake.
It will take around 1-2 weeks for delivery of the desired resin block once I received the flowers.
Dates and names can be imprint on the resin block.
If you desire to have some other design you can let us know and we can try to do that.
We can work with any kind of flowers you will send.
Inbox us if you need more details. retailer