Pacifying 108 japa mala (JM) retailer - quartzite, agate, and amber resin

Pacifying 108 japa mala (JM) retailer - quartzite, agate, and amber resin,

Pacifying 108 mala is made of 27 quartzite (10mm) x 4 sets.

  • Eclipse/Grove
  • Chalk/Grove
  • Black/White
  • Magnet Fossil
  • 8
  • 8.5
  • 9
  • 9.5
  • 10
  • 10.5
  • 11
  • 11.5
  • 12
  • 12.5
  • 13
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Product code: Pacifying 108 japa mala (JM) retailer - quartzite, agate, and amber resin

Pacifying 108 mala is made of 27 quartzite (10mm) x 4 sets (108), separated by amber resin and red barrel agate with the Chinese word 'Fo' (佛), meaning Buddha. With an amber resin drop, and a pair of dorje and bell tassel ends with Chinese knot, known as the Phoenix tail knot. Mala is hand strung and knotted with Chinese nylon cord.

This is a big and heavy mala made with 10mm quartzite beads.

This mala is the same as crystal, shell, other stone and any white malas, is said to help purify the mind and clear away mental disturbances. So it is use for pacifying mantras. Mantra counted on these beads serve to clear away obstacles, such as illness and other calamities, and purify one of unwholesomeness.

1. Quartzite (10mm, 6mm)
Is a rock that consists of the hard mineral quartz, it is formed from sandstone
Sandstone is sand turned to rock. It forms when grains of sand from existing rock or crystals become cemented together over time. Sandstone is a stone of creativity. It helps to build and strengthen the cohesiveness and solidarity within relationships. Encourages truth and promotes clarity in thought and sight. Sandstone balances one's reality and facilitates ease of movement and change. It dispels abrasiveness of character and promotes loving acceptance of humanity. Discourages bad tempers and general grouchiness.

2. Red Agate (10x15mm)
With the Chinese word 'Fo' (佛), meaning Buddha on top of a lotus.
Red agate lso known as Fire agate is a stone of courage, protection, and strength. It relieves fears, halts gossip. Fire agate can help with spiritual advancement and progression, it promotes and enhances energy, including meditation, ritual, and healing energies. It also said to alleviate hostilities and promote goodwill. It provides a calming influence, improves perception, concentration and helps to develop and increase one's analytical talents.

3. Amber resin (10mm, 15x20mm, 40x22mm)
Please note that these beads are handcrafted in Nepal, so it cannot be as perfect as machine molded. Uneven surface, and obvious joints cannot be considered as flaws.

This is a Tibetan amber resin(蜜蜡), capped with Tibetan silver.
Amber is said to enhance the beauty of the wearer. It is used to tap into the power of the Sun, and is good for success, abundance, healing, vitality and joy. It brings the energies of patience, protection, psychic shielding, love, purification, balance, healing and calmness to those who wear or carry it. It is considered a good luck charm for marriage. It is also said to be a powerful stone for manifestation. These amber resins are prestige and highly priced in Tibet, take a look at these wonderful pictures:

4. Dorje (金剛杵)
Also called Vajra in Sanskrit. It meaning both thunderbolt and diamond.
This is a 5 pronged dorje (五股金刚杵), representing the 5 Wisdom Buddhas in the Diamond Realm (金剛界的五佛)
- East, Akshobya (東方阿閦佛)
- South, Ratnasambhava (南方寶生佛)
- Center, Vairocana (中央大日如來佛)
- West, Amitabha (西方阿彌陀佛)
- North, Amoghasiddhi (北方不空成就佛)
to overcome the 5 poisons of the mental afflictions (五毒心) that obscure the original purity of one's mind:
- anger, hatred; for what one don't like, or for not getting what one want.
(嗔: 遇到不快乐, 不喜欢的, 不能忍受而生气, 继而将矛盾升级.)
- conceit, pride; having an inflated opinion of oneself and a disrespectful attitude toward others.
(慢; 内心高举, 自我膨胀, 看轻别人.)
- delusion, Ignorance; holding wrong view, lack of moral concern.
(痴; 不明事理,是非不分, 不相信世间的因果道理, 称之为愚痴.)
- greed, attachment; craving for pleasure.
(贪恋: 财, 色, 名, 食, 睡. 为了追求不择手段, 不讲道德.)
- doubt, jealousy; being unable to bear the accomplishments or good fortune of others.
(疑; 毫无道理和根据就怀疑, 否定一切, 自以为是. 执著邪见- 各种不正确的导至恶业生起的思想念头)

4a. 5 pronged dorje symbolizes both the proprieties of a diamond (indestructibility) and a thunderbolt (irresistible force) of the 5 Wisdom Buddhas against all 5 poisons. (五股金刚杵象征五智五佛能摧破五毒心)

4b. Dorje bell (金刚铃)
Also called Ghanta in Sanskrit.
This is a 5 pronged dorje bell (五股金刚铃), also representing the 5 Wisdom Buddhas in the Diamond Realm (金剛界的五佛).
The bell represents the sound of Buddha teaching the dharma and symbolizes the attainment of wisdom and the understanding of emptiness. (金刚铃代表佛的善巧, 方便, 象征五方五佛自性功德任运的妙音. 铃声能让有情众生在无明中苏醒过来.)

5. Phoenix tail (Chinese knot)
Each Chinese knot carries a symbolic meaning. The knot here is know as the 'Phoenix tail' (凤尾结). It symbolizes auspicious luck, fortune and good career luck.

You can do any prayers or good thoughts from any spiritual tradition with your mala. It is your thought and good motivation that makes your mala unique for your. Once your mala is used, it collects spiritual merit and considered a Dharma object. Please handle it with respect and treat it as part of your spirituality. Mala can also be used as an offering to any Buddha statues.

Mantra to bless your mala beads:
(repeat 7 time then blow over your mala)

Mantra that blesses body speech and mind:
(repeat 7 times)

Mantra to bless lives in harmony with the law of life (Dharma)
Lotus Sutra (南無妙法蓮華經):
(Repeat to your heart's content)

Mantra to purify negative karma (金刚萨埵心咒 )
(Repeat 28 times)
(this is the short version, the full version is '100 syllable')
Purification only works with your sincere regret and solemn promise to yourself NOT to repeat the negative action.
Full version : (slow reciting)
Short and full version: (21x)

Do not worry about pronounceciation, the purer your thoughts and motivation, the more powerful will be the effect of the mantras. Prayers said for others have greater power than prayers said for oneself, karma yoga.

'Always practice and apply your knowledge with a good heart', from my beloved teacher.

Mantras can be chanted in multiple of 3, 7, 9 and 27 times. Traditional japa mala is made of 108 beads, multiple of 27 mantras in 4 sets.
In traditional Buddhist, people are said to have 108 afflictions.
There are six senses - sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, and consciousness
multiplied by three reactions - positive, negative, or indifference)
making 18 "feelings."
multiplied by two categories - attached to pleasure, detached from pleasure
making 36 "passions",
Multiple by 3 as each "passions" may be manifested in the past, present, or future.
All the above (6 x 3 x 2 x3 ) makes a total of 108, represented by the beads.

All mala/ yoga series will be cleansed with Frankincense incense retailer before shipping.

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