Important American Game Birds Dupont advertising book antique retailer 1917 gun powder Lynn Bogue Hunt art sporting collectible
Important American Game Birds Du Pont antique vintage advertising book
retailer Important American Game Birds Du Pont antique vintage advertising book.
E I Du Pont de Nemours & Co., Wilmington, DE. 1917
American Lithograph Co. NY
23 color lithos of different game birds and ducks with descriptions of each species and different information on sizes habits etc., &Includes a chart of hunting loads.
Illustrated with beautiful artwork by the famous artist of sporting, Lynn Bogue Hunt, front cover by Charles DeFoe, back cover The Favorites by E H Dalhaus .
Soft bound 6 1/4 X 7 1/2 inches 56 pages.
CONDITION: Covers have light soil & a clipping pasted inside the front cover which has toned the next page. First page has a bent corner. Edges of paper toned. overall in very good condition. A beautiful book.
SHIPPING: US- Included. Will combine postage.
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