Seashell Bling Bridal Bouquet with Garden Roses Orchids Hydrangea and Silver Rhinestone Trimmed Pearl Accents retailer
This is a beautiful bridal bouquet The hydrangeas look so real and.
retailer This is a beautiful bridal bouquet, The hydrangeas look so real, and all the perfect starfish and sand dollars across the top, really finishes it off! similar to another white bridal bouquet I have listed, this one is larger and fuller. The roses look so real, you have to touch them. I made this one a bit dressier for a more formal wedding, or for a bride looking for a more dressy bouquet to make her dress.
Also this bouquet can be made with any color hydrangeas you choose, If you need a certain color bouquet, like turquoise, I can also add ribbon loops and filler flowers to the color of your choice.
Thank you.